
Design Validation of Electronic Systems using SOLIDWORKS Simulation – Sales and Technical Support in India since 1997

Electronics industry, worldwide, has adopted SOLIDWORKS Simulation for quick and accurate simulations to obtain reliable answers for challenging situations arising out of thermal and vibratory input. Some of the popular uses include:

  • Shock calculations of enclosures, support structures, electronic systems per MIL, NAVSEA (DDAM), BS and Indian Standards for equipments used in airborne, ship-board and off-road vehicles
  • Thermal management of electronic device enclosures
  • Cooling in enclosures and optimization of heat sinks
  • Thermal management of Printed Circuit Boards
  • Vibration analysis for impact printers, electro-mechanical actuation systems
  • Natural and Forced convection cooling of controllers (internal and external)
  • Heat Transfer efficiency of cold plates

SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation for Electronics Cooling

SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation has wide application for electronics:

  • Component level: chips, heatsinks, etc.
  • Board level: PCB’s populated with components
  • Unit or chassis level: shelf of PCB’s, electronics enclosure
  • System or cabinet level: rack of card shelves, system of multiple units

SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation can be used to determine:

  • Thermal characteristics
  • Max. component temperatures
  • Heat sink requirements
  • Fan/vent quantity, size & location
  • Max. PCB power density
  • Optimum PCB layout
  • Optimum system layout
  • Air flow patterns

Benefits of SOLIDWORKS Flow Simulation for Design Validation

  • Complete Integration with SOLIDWORKS
  • Configuration based analysis
  • Fully automatic and innovative meshing technology
  • Wizard mode for analysis setup
  • Engineering goal based analysis
  • Expanded CFD analysis capability

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