Sigmund Stacks

SigmundStacks is a software which is used to find the tolerance stack/variation analysis, that helps designers to evaluate, optimize and validate assembly build quality, relative to assembly process variation and piece part tolerance at early development phase before which design solidification and hard tooling procurement. What SigmundStacks software prevents from all costly tweaking delays at ramp-up as well as long-term variation problems.


  • Types of analysis Worst Case, RSS (Root Sum Squares), Modified RSS, Monte Carlo Simulations, and Process Centering RSS Analysis (account for factors like mean-shifts due to tool wear).
  • Predits the overall quality of an assembly based upon predetermined build objectives or determines the component tolerances to meet a given assembly build objective.
  • Feedback for all build quality issues in existing design is through Graphical identification and summary feedback.
  • What-if analysis Report to quickly evaluate multiple design concepts to reduce costly and time-consuming extended prototyping.
  • Eliminates need for an expert user.
  • Ease to learn and use.


  • SigmundStacks provided engineers to quickly try the process variation on the quality of products manaufactured and the effects of component tolerances. SigmundStacks even includes optimization utility,all tolerances in a given model are automatically even includes optimization utility, all tolerances in a given model are automatically optimised. These features ensure that an engineer’s understanding of the combined effects of component tolerances and assembly variation on a final assembly’s build quality.
  • Reduce the user’s need to perform advanced mathematics or programming, Ease to use menu-driven modeling capabilities
  • Eliminates overly costly and conservative designs.
  • Quality is improved, Huge amount of scarpped which is been majot threat for the companies is reduced, rework, retooling, recalls and warranty costs before they are incurred and intends to push for high return on investment by using a single software.


Sigmund ABA provides engineers to build a large number of virtual assemblies for evaluation with respect to predefined build objectives. It triggers the manufacturing process variation following the ASME Y14.5M-1994 and 2009 GD&T standards as well as assembly process variations, clamping sequence, part orientation, and gravity effects. Sigmund ABA’s key features three-dimensional, parametric, real-time geometry representation and animation capabilities can accelerate an engineer’s understanding of the combined effects of component tolerances and assembly variation on final assembly’s quality.


  • Utilities greatly reduce modeling time and effort, and it’s succinct reporting module provides relavant information in a single page, easy-to-interpret graphical format that realtes to the Enterprise.
  • Reduces the user’s need to perform advanced mathematics or programming.
  • Ease to use menu-driven modeling capabilities
  • Optimizes design and assembly process, adds precision where needed, and eliminates overly costly designs.
  • Improves the Quality and Reduce huge scrap which was eating your profits, rework, retooling, recalls and warranty costs before they are incurred – High Return On Investment from use on just one program.
  • Sigmund Assembly developed to Build Analysis model follows step-by-step methodology that includes Component Geometry Creation, GD&T or Tolerance Emulation & Optimization.

SigmundABA Kinematics

Sigmund ABA Kinematics is an assembly build analysis tool which ensures and allows designers to try the 3-D variational effects of kinematic mechanisms and component tolerances on the quality of products manufactured completely on the range of motion. Sigmund ABA Kinematics as a easy to use interface to evaluate the capability of their kinematic mechanisms and the component/assembly design, ensuring that assemblies go together 100% of the time , while meeting all the assembly performance criteria.

Key Features:

  • Piece part/assembly variation and kinematic motion in the same environment.
  • Defines the relative motion between multiple parts/components by using different kinematic joints, primitive, revolved, cylindrical, universal, planar, ball, and bearing joints.
  • Many driver motion in a mechanism.
  • Consuders variation analysis in both open and closed loop mechanisms
  • Animation can be done on kinematic motion and trace the range of motion for a specific feature at both nominal and deviated conditions.
  • Work and try thousands of outputs throughout the range of motion in mechanisms.


  • Complex assembly problems for kinematic mechanisms, evaluate design improvements, identify important design characteristics, and determine optimal tolerances for parts and assemblies with kinematic joints,Can be resloved using Sigmund ABA Kinematics
  • Multiple models created by considering variation and kinematic motion at the same time.
  • Accurate assembly of closed-loop kinematics mechanisms is allowed
  • Identify non-build conditions because of actual and accurate constraints applied at specific joints.
  • Try the effects of variation throughout the range of motion in mechanisms.
  • Comparing them with the nominal range of motion relative to what you might see in an ADAMS model.
  • Automated reports showing multiple indices of information throughout the range of motion.

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