Detailing Your Large Assembly Drawings Within Seconds in SOLIDWORKS – Detailing Mode

Working with a higher performance CAD environment is the major criterion these days in the design community within SolidWorks. Now we have a new option for opening the drawing within seconds and make changes in drawings to communicate with our collaborators or end manufacturers within a fraction of seconds. It can be achieved only with users having SolidWorks 2020 or Above. To get the option to open a drawing in Detailing Mode, the drawing must be saved in SOLIDWORKS 2020.

Detailing mode helps us to make minor edits to drawings of large assemblies or drawings with many sheets, configurations in a limited period of time.

We can access detailing mode by using the slider in the open dialog box or in recent tab as shown below

Some editing capabilities are available as well, such as making changes to annotations or dimensions. Notes can be added to the drawing or dragged from a library of company notes, and annotations added in Detailing Mode can also be edited.

The options that are not grayed out in the annotation tab can be used inside detailing mode

Some of the major capabilities of Detailing mode

  • Adding revision symbols and revision clouds
  • Ballooning
  • Dimensions
  • Datum feature symbols and datum target symbols
  • Changing the position of views
  • Adding a general table and revision tables
  • Saving the file as PDF/DXF file, or printing as PDF

Here is approximate opening time for drawing without detailing mode which takes minutes.

  For opening drawings usually, it requires time depends upon model complexity and its size with SolidWorks 2020 or above now we can open assembly drawings of larger size regardless of its complexity this is achieved because of the view layout of the drawing views are intact and while opening the drawings in detailing mode the model will not get loaded in turns lead to time savings for opening the drawings

Here is the approximate opening time for drawing in detailing mode.

To communicate with external collaborators, you can print the drawing or you can save the drawing in a variety of formats such as DWG, JPEG, or even PDF.

Now with Detailing Mode in SolidWorks, we can enhance productivity by allowing a user to make changes in their drawings within seconds for large assemblies inside the drawing sheet.

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