Durability FEA and Life Prediction

Durability FEA & Life Prediction – Benefits to Customers
Considerable Experience has been put to use by EGS India in the development of designs to achieve Durability and Life Targets, for customers world-wide.
Critical benefits achieved by customers include:
- Development of Cost-effective Designs that meet Durability Targets
- Improved Reliability: Capturing of Failure modes and accurate estimation of Life
- Elimination of Design Failures due to Service Loads
Durability & Life Prediction – Experience of EGS India
EGS India has solved numerous problems involving simulation of what-if scenarios and eliminated failures and addressed critical performance issues for customers World-wide. Analysis-to-test correlations including measurement of accelerations, strains, deflections have helped understand natural phenomena and achieve confidence on FEA Technology. Procedures have been developed by EGS India for specific product design to augment DFMEA procedures with FEA.

- Deflection & Stress calculations on Gantry, EOT Cranes
- Weight-reduction of Scissor Jacks
- Weld Failure Elimination of Tractor Fenders
- Wheel Design for Corner and Radial Fatigue Tests ( CFT & RFT )
- Tri-axial Durability of Engine mounted systems
- Steering System Response to on-road vehicle loading
- Full-vehicle simulation of Buses, Light & Heavy Commercial Vehicles
- Fatigue Life Prediction for Dryers, Rotating Equipments
- Analysis-to-test correlations for strains & Deflections
- Suspension Design Validation and Life Prediction
- Flatness Tolerance Analysis for machined components
- Assembly analysis for electric switches
- Durability analysis of water tank panels
- Stress analysis of Pressure Vessels & Storage Tanks
- Blade Stress Analysis for High-speed Impeller

Cylinder Engine Crank Shaft Hex Mesh

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