
An Exploded View is used to communicate your design or drawings in a more proper and precise way. It really helps to clearly understand the sequential order of the assembly. Moreover, the exploded view is used to create service instructions and reviewing the internal components of the assembly.
SOLIDWORKS CAD never stops on helping this kind of action. Designing and communicating inside the SOLIDWORKS platform is more efficient and better productive. In this blog, we are going to see how MULTIBODY PART helps in communicating with and around of Assembly using SOLIDWORKS Exploded View.
          For the past SOLIDWORKS version, it is impossible to create an Exploded View for the MULTIBODY PARTS. But, SOLIDWORKS 2020 onwards, we are able to achieve easily and precisely.
          In general, SOLIDWORKS Sub-Assembly which has an exploded view can associate with the main Assembly file. However, there is a limitation for the MULTIBODY PARTS. Let’s have a look at how it is possible to achieve in SOLIDWORKS 2020.
          I have taken one of the MULTIBODY PART [Weldment and Solid Body] as an example for this blog.

          Open the Multibody Part file in SolidWorks 2020 -> Go to Configuration Manager-> Create Exploded View or Go to Menu bar-> Insert-> Exploded View. Create an Exploded View as per requirement and save the file.

          Now take this MULTIBODY PART to the Assembly. Then in usual, do the Part Placements [Mating Components] as you require. Now here the SolidWorks 2020 enhancement coming into action.
          From SOLIDWORKS 2020, we are able to create an “EXPLODED VIEW for the MULTIBODY PART in ASSEMBLY”.
          Now bring the MULTIBODY PART inside the Assembly.

          Go to Configuration Manager -> Create Exploded View or by,
          Go to Assembly Tab -> Exploded View and choose the MULTIBODY PART.

          After selecting the MULTIBODY PART scroll down the mouse, you will be noticing the new option called “From PART” under Reuse Explode. In the previous version of SOLIDWORKS, we are able to Reuse Explode for only SUB-ASSEMBLY. But in 2020, Reuse Explode has expanded to PART also.

          Then simply click on “From Part”. Instantly the selected body will be exploded.

          As we have seen in the beginning, SOLIDWORKS never stops in delivering the best solution year on year. I hope that everyone enjoyed this blog. Let catch you on the next blog. Thank you.

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